Sunday, May 19, 2013

#11- First Class Beats

     This ad is very simple, yet effective. This ad has a lot to do with being superior and grabbing attention, from the words to the color scheme. This simple ad definitely grabs attention- let's see how.

     This advertisement was also found in a metro station. It was relatively large, and very prominent in its surroundings. The background is all black, with bright, silver headphones sitting in the center. The headphones dominate most of the picture, except for the text. The white text catches the viewers eye because it is white on a black background. Plain, right?

     Wrong! The silver headphones in front of the black background completely eliminate the plain air of the ad. They are very large, so they take up most of the space. Also, they are centered which makes the d seem like there is more to it. However, there are no bright colors or crazy scenes that catch your attention. It's just the headphones and the text, which also stands out.

     The colors in this advertisement are used very effectively. The black background sets the ad apart from other ads and makes it very noticeable. Then, the silver headphones draw attention the the product without being overwhelming. In many ads, bright colors are overused in order to be noticed. This ad, however, is very relaxed. It is basically saying "I know that you will notice me, so I'm not going to work hard for your attention." This satisfies the need for attention. It also satisfies the need for prominence because of the silver. The color silver seems classier than many other colors that might not shine as brightly. Overall, the coloring and the picture is very effective.

     Another important piece of this ad is the text. It is placed in the bottom left hand corner of the ad, but it stands out as if it were dead center. The words are in a white, bold font, which makes them easily noticeable on the black background. The text reads "The sounds of first class." This also fulfills the need for prominence because first class is associated with wealth and importance. When your headphones sounds like first class, how could you be anything but the same? Right above this is the company logo and the product's name. However, Beats by Dre has become pretty well known already, and their ad is familiar to many people. Therefore, their brand and logo does not have to be large or in your face. Also, the product has the initial on the headphones, which created brand recognition. This is a very useful advertising technique because now, whenever someone wears the headphones, Beats by Dre gets free advertising!

     As a whole, this ad is very effective. Although it is incredibly simple, it is effective. It catches the viewer's attention and sells the product. It is not overwhelming, and it is a breath of fresh air from many other ads that scream "buy me!!" at you all day long. If I were more interested in buying quality headphones, I would definitely look into buying these.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you when you say that the ad is very relaxed. Beats are already very popular; they have made that font style "b" that is on the on headphones very famous. The company knows that they don't have to bombard us with bright colors because even people without beats know about them, but I think it's more than that. I think they did this on purpose. In a world that has so much overwhelming colors in advertising, having something so simple stands out on its own. Imagine you are in a room full of incredibly colorful advertisements on the walls along with this one. The fact that the colors are so dull would make people notice it. I think they want us to think, "Why is there so little color?" and as soon as we see the "b" we know what it is and their job is done as soon as we stop to read the caption.
