Sunday, May 26, 2013

#13- Tough, but Gentle

     This ad seems very effective to me. Not only does it have a color scheme, but it has a theme that catches and keeps your attention while maintaining focus on the product. Also, there is not so much going on that it is overwhelming. It is a perfect balance.

     The purpose of this ad is to sell an acne medication/ facewash that is gentle on the skin but tough on acne. In order to convey this message, they have the product in the center of the page. It is being held by two hands; One has light pink and mint green jewelry on while the other is wearing black, silver, and gold jewelry.

     The bottom hand is supposed to seem welcoming, soft and gentle. It conveys the idea that this product will make your skin feel good. To the right of this hand, there is text saying “Gentle on skin.” Just underneath, it says “soothing formula with aloe and avocado.” Aloe tends to be a very soothing thing, and avocado also seems like something that would be smooth and creamy. Both of these items seem very gentle and nice.

     The hand on top is supposed to seem tough and menacing. The black jewelry and dark nail polish give off the impression of someone who wouldn’t be afraid to scare someone else. This helps to convey the message “Tough on acne. Maximum strength acne medication.” By making this part of the advertisement seem tough, the ad is showing that this product isn’t messing around when it comes to getting rid of acne.

     This idea of having two sides to the facewash is very appealing to me. It makes the facewash seem better than others because you are getting two great things- having a good acne medication while not having to use a harsh product- instead of just some other facewash that doesn’t have both.

     This ad also uses a color scheme to help sell their product. The colors green and silver are used almost solely in this ad. The text and jewelry mimic the bottles colors. Instead of making the colors seem less important, however, it makes the bottles stand out even more!

     In this advertisement, I like how a product is being sold, instead of a person or an idea. By centering the product, the focus remains on the product even when the viewer is looking elsewhere in the photo. Also, the contrasting between the tough and the gentle keeps the viewer’s attention. Lastly, there is a very small amount of text in this advertisement. I like this because the viewers get the necessary information without being bombarded with facts, figures, and other information. Overall, I really like this advertisement and thought that it was very effective.

1 comment:

  1. I actually decided to try this face wash because I've seen this ad so many times, which obviously shows how effective I saw it too! I like how simple this ad is, but if you look closely you can see how different things symbolized different things. I also agree that the hand on the bottom is supposed to seem soft, which is shown through the light color scheme of the jewelry, and the hand above is supposed to seem dark and strong because of the black jewelry and nail polish.
